We will always take our animals back if you do not get on with them


It may take weeks, months or Years for an animal to settle down.

Same Daily Routine is the most helpful in settling down your new adoptee quickly.

Daily exercise is most important preferably at the same time and before feeding.

We will always be registered on the animals Microchip details

We have more animals for Adopting companion ponies, dogs, cats, rabbits

Older animals, staffies, rotties, greyhounds and black and white cats are really hard to home. Please give them a chance colour or type does not make them any less loving. Only the way the owner treats them.

Please remember we can only give you what information we have learned or know about the animals. Some maybe strays or the owners have passed away.

Rodents, Birds, Ferrets, reptiles and Odd Bods for Homing




Animals in Distress sanctuary @ Irlam is open to home cats, Rabbits and Rodents. BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. There will be 1 appointment a day if you miss your slot then you will have to book another appointment. Please bring an Animal box for your new adoptee.
You will need to be over 21 years and may need proof. You will need a photocopy of your driving license, electric bill gas bill.
Please phone 0161 775 2221 for appointment between 12-1pm
Do not just turn up you will be turned away. please wear a face mask.




Is a fast hamster that can nip when caught so will need some handling.


We have a large number of large terrapins from 6 inches across to dinner plate size. These will need a water temperature of mid 70 f and a large filtered tank. They cannot live with fish as they will eat them or take chunks out of them no matter what size your fish are. They need well filtered water and regular water changes. They eat terrapin food, shrimps, water cress, meats and spinach. You must wash your hands after handling or cleaning any reptiles due to they carry salmonella. They will also grow bigger than dinner plates and have a long lifespan. They cannot live in an outside pond.